ESL Services

English as a Second Language (ESL) Services…

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Start from scratch. Increase knowledge. Achieve results.

As English becomes more widely accepted across the globe, more and more people are seeking to learn English as a second language (ESL). Logos ESL Services offers tutoring for both Australian settlers and those entering Australian universities.

Tutoring is designed to either supplement existing courses, or as a standalone course of instruction.

Build foundations. Use the senses. Discover culture.

Logos ESL Services uses a phonics-based program which builds the English language from its very foundations. The program, currently enjoying outstanding ESL success in China, uses a multisensory approach to suit all types of students. It takes advantage of the in built grammatical structure of the language to swiftly develop English skills.

We offer three one-hour lessons per week at half fee rates to increase afford ability for students.

Along with the latest ESL techniques, classes feature discussion of culture differences between the student's homeland and Australia to develop greater cultural understanding.

Learn the sounds. Write them down. Follow the rules.

Beginners ESL Tutoring represents one semester of weekly tutoring.

In it we start at the beginning where the student learns to write the script using the 26 'single phonograms' and their 44 sounds. The 'multiple' and 'successive seventeen' phonograms are added, and from this foundation words are progressively built and vocabulary established. The spelling rules which govern the phonograms are taught and integrated into word construction.

As English words are learned, dynamic equivalent meanings are assigned from the mother tongue. From this foundation simple grammar is introduced using phrases, clauses and simple sentences. Oral and written  communication is emphasised.

General ESL Tutoring begins with thorough revision and extension of the beginners course.

It then progresses through to vocabulary development, beginning with the most frequently used words, and steadily developing into more and more complex sentences.

As in the beginner's course, oral and written communication is emphasised.

Full instructional material, workbooks and other program aids are available through Logos ESL Services.